Super healthy summer salad!
This salad could not be healthier, or easier! Not only really delicious but also low fat, gluten free & vegan! All the ingredients are alkaline and carefully selected for their health boosting properties.
Cucumber: high alkaline and help to regulate blood pressure. Can ease bloating or swelling. Also antioxidants and hight in B vitamins.
Watermelon: an excellent alkaline forming food. High fibre and water content. Rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, and magnesium and potassium which help reduce blood pressure.
Avocado: helps balance pH, contains antioxidants and plenty of potassium too.
Broccoli - an amazing all round healthy veg! Helps reduce inflammation in the body, improve blood sugar control, boost immunity, fight against cancer, support healthy brain function & promoting heart health
Quinoa - gluten free, high in protein, fibre, magnesium, b vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, vitamin e and anti-oxidants!
I eat this salad and feel so good afterwards! My digestive system feels very settled and I have lots of energy too!
Quinoa (I prefer the uncooked stuff you cook yourself) -- cook a cup per person, according to the instructions. I add a bit of salt and a dash of olive oil to mine
Brocolli - half, cooked and chopped into small chunks
Cucumber - 1/4, chopped into small chunks
1 x mango, chopped into small chunks
1 x ripe avocado, chopped into small chunks
A few slices of watermelon, chopped into small chunks
Chives - handful, chopped
Coriander - handful, chopped
Mint - handful, chopped
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
What you do:
Add the cucumber, mango and watermelon chunks to the cooled cooked quinoa and mix. Add the herbs and a good amount of seasoning (I find quinoa needs quite alot of salt!) and a dash of olive oil (you could try basil or garlic flavoured too for extra flavour), and ENJOY!
-- for extra flavour try adding feta (if you are not vegan!)
-- for extra protein try adding cooked soya beans